4/2010- 414ϊi j
- Wu Xintian i Beijing Normal University j
- uExcited states of the saddle point equation of the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson Hamiltonian with random temperaturev
- 421ϊi j
- Tomoko Kita i Condensed Matter Theory Group j
- uEffects of orbital fluctuations and spatial fluctuations in strongly correlated systemsv
- 519ϊi j
- Robert Petersn i Condensed Matter Theory Group j
- uMagnetic properties of the two-orbital Hubbard modelv
- 69ϊi j
- Shingo Yonezawa i Quantum Materials Laboratory j
- uThermodynamical Investigation of the Gap Structure of the Quasi-One-Dimensional Superconductor (TMTSF)_2ClO_4v
- 623ϊi j
- Hideaki Obuse i Condensed Matter Theory Group j
- uConformal Invariance and Multifractality at Localization-Delocalization Transitions in 2D Disordered Electron Systemsv
- 630ϊi j
- Antonio M. Garcia-Garcia i CFIF, Instituto Superior Tecnico, UTL, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal j
- uFinite size effects in superconducting nanograins: from theory to experimentsv
- 77ϊi j
- Ms. Simone Hamerla i Dortmund University of Technology; JSPS Summer Program participant j
- uFrom the derivation of t-J models at finite doping to interaction quenches of Fermi systemsv
- 714ϊi j
- Mr. Yasuhiro Yamada i D3, Condensed Matter Theory Group j
- uCrossed Andreev reflection and elastic cotunneling through a quantum dotv
- 106ϊi j
- Dr. Shiro Sakai i Vienna University of Technology j
- uRoles of zeros of electronic Green's function in the pseudogap state in high-Tc cupratesv
- 1013ϊi j
- Prof. Ilya Vekhter i Louisiana University j
- uSpin properties of the surfaces of non-centrosymmetric superconductorsv
- 1020ϊi j
- Prof. Takasada Shibauchi i Department of Physics, Kyoto University j
- uRotational Symmetry Breaking in the Hidden Order Phase of URu2Si2v
- 1117ϊi j
- Mr. Yasuhiro Tada i Department of Physics, Kyoto University j
- uFerromagnetic spin fluctuations and superconductivity in UCoGev
- 128ϊi j
- Mr. Kazuto Noda i Department of Physics, Kyoto University j
- uMany-body effects in a Bose-Fermi mixture in optical latticesv