2018- [Review in Japanese] Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model, Black Holes, Ultracold Gases
Ippei Danshita, Masaki Tezuka, Masanori Hanada
Nihon Butsuri Gakkai-shi Vol. 73, 569 (2018) - [Review in Japanese] Topological d wave superconductivity : Physics of the Haldane model in superconductors
Akito Daido, Youichi Yanase
Kotai Butsuri Vol.53, Dec. (2018) - [Review in Japanese] パリティ対称性の破れと磁性・多極子・超伝導
Youichi Yanase
Bussei Kenkyu @ web 7, 072204 (2018) - [Review in Japanese] Universality and Emergent properties in Condensed matter physics: Topological materials
Norio Kawakami
Surikagaku Tokusyugo p52-58 (Saiensu-sha,2018) - Symmetry analysis of current-induced switching of antiferromagnets
Hikaru Watanabe and Youichi Yanase
Phys. Rev. B 98, 220412(R) (2018) [arXiv] - Group-theoretical classification of multipole order: Emergent responses and candidate materials
Hikaru Watanabe and Youichi Yanase
Phys. Rev. B 98, 245129 (2018) [arXiv] - Odd-parity multipole fluctuation and unconventional superconductivity in locally noncentrosymmetric crystal
Jun Ishizuka and Youichi Yanase
Phys. Rev. B 98, 224510 (2018) [arXiv] - Direct evidence for the existence of heavy quasiparticles in the magnetically ordered phase of CeRhIn5
Masahiro Haze, Robert Peters, Yohei Torii, Tomoka Suematsu, Daiki Sano, Masahiro Naritsuka, Yuichi Kasahara, Takasada Shibauchi, Takahito Terashima, Yuji Matsuda
J. Phys. Soc. Japan 88, 014706 (2018) [arXiv] - Non-Hermitian Kondo effect in ultracold alkaline-earth atoms
Masaya Nakagawa, Norio Kawakami, and Masahito Ueda
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 203001 (2018) [arXiv] - Interplay between charge, magnetic, and superconducting order in a Kondo lattice with attractive Hubbard interaction
Benedikt Lechtenberg, Robert Peters, and Norio Kawakami
Phys. Rev. B 98, 195111 (2018) [arXiv] - Dimensionality-induced BCS-BEC crossover in layered superconductors
Kyosuke Adachi and Ryusuke Ikeda
Phys. Rev. B 98, 184502 (2018) [arXiv] - Topological phases of non-Hermitian systems
Zongping Gong, Yuto Ashida, Kohei Kawabata, Kazuaki Takasan, Sho Higashikawa, and Masahito Ueda
Phys. Rev. X 8, 031079 (2018) [arXiv] - Stability of half-quantum vortices in equal-spin pairing states of 3He
Natsuo Nagamura and Ryusuke Ikeda
Phys. Rev. B 98, 094524 (2018) [arXiv] - Breakdown of topological Thouless pumping in the strongly interacting regime
Masaya Nakagawa, Tsuneya Yoshida, Robert Peters, and Norio Kawakami
Phys. Rev. B 98, 115147 (2018) [arXiv] - Effective low-energy description of the two-impurity Anderson model: RKKY interaction and quantum criticality
Fabian Eickhoff, Benedikt Lechtenberg, and Frithjof B. Anders
Phys. Rev. B 98, 115103 (2018) [arXiv] - Spatial-translation-induced discrete time crystals
Kaoru Mizuta, Kazuaki Takasan, Masaya Nakagawa, and Norio Kawakami
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 093001 (2018) [arXiv] - Magnetic states in a three-dimensional topological Kondo insulator
Robert Peters, Tsuneya Yoshida, and Norio Kawakami
Phys. Rev. B 98, 075104 (2018) [arXiv] - Non-Hermitian perspective of the band structure in heavy-fermion systems
Tsuneya Yoshida, Robert Peters, and Norio Kawakami
Phys. Rev. B 98, 035141 (2018) [arXiv] - Spin-orbit-coupled ferroelectric superconductivity
Shota Kanasugi and Youichi Yanase
Phys. Rev. B 98, 024521 (2018) [arXiv] - Topological properties of magnetically ordered heavy-fermion systems in the presence of mirror symmetry
Kazuhiro Kimura, Tsuneya Yoshida, and Norio Kawakami
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 87, 084705 (2018) [arXiv] - Onset of random matrix behavior in scrambling systems
Hrant Gharibyan, Masanori Hanada, Stephen H. Shenker, and Masaki Tezuka
J. High Energ. Phys. 1807 (2018) 124 [arXiv] - Reduction of topological \( \mathbb{Z}\) classification in cold-atom systems
Tsuneya Yoshida, Ippei Danshita, Robert Peters, and Norio Kawakami
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 025301 (2018) [arXiv] - Theory of orbital magnetic quadrupole moment and magnetoelectric susceptibility
Atsuo Shitade, Hikaru Watanabe, and Youichi Yanase
Phys. Rev. B 98, 020407(R) (2018) [arXiv] - Equilibrium and real-time properties of the spin correlation function in the two-impurity Kondo model
Benedikt Lechtenberg and Frithjof B. Anders
Phys. Rev. B 98, 035109 (2018) [arXiv] - Chaotic-integrable transition in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model
Antonio M. García-García, Bruno Loureiro, Aurelio Romero-Bermúdez, and Masaki Tezuka
Phys. Rev. Lett 120, 241603 (2018) [arXiv] - Symmetry-protected line nodes and Majorana flat bands in nodal crystalline superconductors
Shingo Kobayashi, Shuntaro Sumita, Youichi Yanase, and Masatoshi Sato
Phys. Rev. B 97, 180504(R) (2018) [arXiv] - Anomalous change in the de Haas-van Alphen oscillations of CeCoIn5 at ultralow temperatures
Hiroaki Shishido, Shogo Yamada, Kaori Sugii, Masaaki Shimozawa, Youichi Yanase, and Minoru Yamashita
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 177201 (2018) [arXiv] - Unconventional superconducting gap structure protected by space group symmetry
Shuntaro Sumita and Youichi Yanase
Phys. Rev. B 97, 134512 (2018) [arXiv] - Orbitally limited pair-density-wave phase of multilayer superconductors
David Möckli, Youichi Yanase, and Manfred Sigrist
Phys. Rev. B 97, 144508 (2018) [arXiv] - Anisotropic two-gap superconductivity and the absence of a Pauli paramagnetic limit in single-crystalline LaO0.5F0.5BiS2
Yuet C. Chan, King Y. Yip, Yiu W. Cheung, Yuk T. Chan, Qun Niu, Joe Kajitani, Ryuji Higashinaka, Tatsuma D. Matsuda, Youichi Yanase, Yuji Aoki, Kwing T. Lai, and Swee K. Goh
Phys. Rev. B 97, 104509 (2018) [arXiv] - In situ STM observation of nonmagnetic impurity effect in MBE-grown CeCoIn5 films
Masahiro Haze, Yohei Torii, Robert Peters, Shigeru Kasahara, Yuichi Kasahara, Takasada Shibauchi, Takahito Terashima, and Yuji Matsuda
J Phys. Soc. Jpn. 87, 034702 (2018) [arXiv] - Strong enhancement of the Edelstein effect in f-electron systems
Robert Peters and Youichi Yanase
Phys. Rev. B 97, 115128 (2018) [arXiv] - Universality in chaos: Lyapunov spectrum and random matrix theory
Masanori Hanada, Hidehiko Shimada, and Masaki Tezuka
Phys. Rev. E 97, 022224 (2018) [arXiv] - Generation and control of noncollinear magnetism by supercurrent
Rina Takashima, Yasuyuki Kato, Youichi Yanase, and Yukitoshi Motome
Phys. Rev. B 97, 081107(R) (2018) [arXiv]