
10ŒŽ1“ú (…), 13:30-
‹ž“s‘åŠw—Šw•” 5†ŠÙ 413
Robert Peters Ž
Goettingen ƒhƒCƒc (GCOE‘o•ûŒüƒvƒƒOƒ‰ƒ€µãÙ‘åŠw‰@¶)
The Hubbard Model on the Bethe lattice with next-nearest-neighbor-hopping


We study the interplay between N\'eel-antiferromagnetism and the paramagnetic metal-insulator-transition (PMIT) on a Bethe lattice with nearest and next-nearest neighbor hopping. For $t_2/t_1\rightarrow 1$ the PMIT outgrows the antiferromagnetic phase and for this strong frustration we also observe a novel magnetic phase. Away from half-filling, we can see the existence of a ferromagnetic phase, which is not present in the model without next-nearest-neighbor-hopping.